Sustainability: Your first three simple steps.

Just starting out on your sustainability journey, curious about what it means – or wanting to raise it up to a new level? Either way, you’re undertaking something worthy which will undoubtedly raise many different types of question from “how should we recycle?”, to “should we change our suppliers?”
Well before you even get to that detail, we’d recommend you go through these simple steps first.

Your First Three Steps in Introducing Sustainability Practices into Your Business

1. Be genuine in your intent

You don’t want terms like ‘bandwagon’ or ‘greenwash’ applying to your company, so ask yourself why are you trying to be sustainable? (We hope you come to the right conclusions here). If you’re not genuine, then it will soon show and your customers will soon make their own opinion of your efforts.

2. It’s a company commitment, not an individual crusade

Ever worked somewhere where new initiatives come in from the top-table, but very little support or enthusiasm is given, so it’s left to an individual or department fighting a lone battle?
A good sustainability plan needs commitment and actions which need to come from all levels of your business. Yes, each individual employee is crucial in this – but if the bosses don’t really care, then I suggest you go back and rethink point 1.

3. Open your minds and think differently

A good sustainability plan may come from robust planning, but a great one may require changes regarding how you work. Rather than thinking “if it ain’t broken…” start thinking “what if…?”
It takes some bold decisions to make a company evolve and grow, so don’t treat sustainability as a tick box, it should be part of your ethos.

See. I said it was simple.