Branding – Lochindaal Whisky

I loved working on this…

What started with a passion for whisky and the isle of Islay let to lots of tasting and some photography too…

Understanding the importance of the island to the person who invested in a cask of whisky, 16 years ago, meant I was on the ‘inside’ of what ‘provenance’ really meant to the client. In short, I was well placed to create something that aligned with a person, a place and a product too.

With three concepts delivered, this one came through – a scene overlooking the fishing village of Port Charlotte which in turn looks over the titular Loch Indaal.

A commercial side to the project was added; a retail and trade pack which delivered the back story of the product, and the influence and meaning to it’s design.

Whisky was bottled. Labels were printed. Trade packs delivered.

How did it do?

Well, I’ve yet to receive the printed label and it’s already sold out. It went so fast that numbers had to be restricted as trade outlets bought it by the box and on the retail side – phone lines were jammed as the client’s website was overwhelmed.

Ok, Ok… so this is because the product was quite unique and priced to sell – however…I like to think the branding and introduction to this independent labelling is undoubtedly strengthened and standards set for the future.