&Stark Marketing

Creative Agency Collabs

&Stark Marketing
Creative Agency

Add a strategic front-end to your creative output or marketing delivery.

The ability to apply great marketing to your business – and yourself – is already within you.
You just need some help in finding where it is.

“I already do marketing…”
Do you? Or do you mean you do creative or design websites and other outputs?

I’ve worked in large and small organisations – often side-by-side with, or part of, creative teams. This has been for both marketing the company I worked for, as well as providing the right solutions  for their clients too.

One thing is always clear – great creative outputs need firm and clear foundations of “Who?”,  “What?”, “How?” and “Why?”. If you don’t answer these then a website is just a website which exists rather than performs, and a piece of creative could be the whim of a designer, rather than a purposeful communication too.

Ways of working.


For individuals stuck in a rut or against a marketing brick wall, this one-off session is aimed at address what is holding you back, and how you can make a plan to move yourself and your business’ marketing in the right direction.

  • Personal and confidential coaching session.
  • Demystify marketing.
  • Understand main challenges and barriers.
  • Review of current marketing.
  • Bite-sized learning without the jargon.
  • Re-evaluating your business and what it means to your clients.
  • Short term plan to reset market activity.


An ongoing commitment, starting with the ‘Reset’ programme and also going into marketing theory, brand creation – and where it meets consumer psychology and ultimately, you and your business’ growth.

  • Personal and confidential coaching sessions.
  • Creating your brand story and understand how it relates to marketing.
  • Regular check-ins and support.
  • Re-evaluating your business and what it means to your clients.
  • Creating a mid-length strategy to focus on higher gain clients, and move away from less enjoyable work.
  • 3-month commitment.


An in-person strategic session with you / your marketing team to look at the year ahead.
I add the extra voice with challenging questions and a different perspective to enable your team to create a more clearly defined, robust and relevant plan for your business.

  • Mapping marketing strategy.
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses of core areas.
  • Deep-dive into core proposition.
  • Reviewing core assets.
  • Identify required tools and assets.
  • Discuss desired outcomes.
  • Review and redefining.
  • x2 half-day sessions.

What people say about me.

Henry Willard, Freelance Audio Engineer

Andrew is an exceptionally diligent individual who listens, cares, and helps in a way that is so refreshing and reassuring. He immediately took a caring, genuine interest in me and my business and offers balanced advice, suggestions and recommendations whilst working with me to set goals at a realistic pace. www.henrywillard.com

Katie Miller, Inclusive Design Strategist, Inclusive Creator

Andrew not only provided a level head and years of experience, but he showed genuine interest in what I wanted to achieve with Inclusive Creator as an agency. He was never prescriptive in terms of what I should do – instead he led me to conclusions and breakthroughs by helping me to better understand what I wanted.

Andy Gibb

Andy Gibb - Safeguarding Trainer & Entrepreneur

Andrew has this amazing ability to create order from the chaos of my brain. He is always able to interpret my thoughts and ideas and apply logic and rationale, which then shapes it into a compelling business proposition.

&Stark Marketing | Marketing Coach 
Marketing CoachMarketing Consultant | 121 Marketing Coach | Portfolio Marketing Director 
Marketing Coach and Consultant based in York, working with growing businesses across the UK.